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Officiating reimagined.

Officiating is unique. We know, we've working with officials for over 25 years. We exist to align sports and officiating to achieve the best possible outcomes. We help develop strategies that support the delivery of evidence-based, best-practice programs for officiating in your chosen sport - from grassroots to the elite.


Why the number of officials is in free fall & what we can do about it

60 Minute Interactive Webinar

Participation in sports continues to grow but in many sports the number of officials continues to decline. An aging workforce, abuse and an apparent lack of interest to take up officiating are cited as reasons for the global downturn. However, the social constructs of sport is the single most impactful reason for the officiating environment. Facilitating the change of this narrative, officiating numbers will continue to decline. This session shares successful strategies on how to bring these two groups together and prevent the decline in the number of officials.

American Football Stadium


At Officiency Sport, we understand that change is not always easy.  We help sports of all sizes and at all levels respond to industry change in order to stay not only relevant but highly competitive.


We are ready to help you develop officiating strategies for not only surviving, but thriving now and in the future. Contact us today to set up your first consultation.


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"Officiency Sport introduced effective solutions across our entire competition management network. The number of officials increased over 60%, while generating departmental revenue; turning a cost centre into a revenue stream".

Sam Chadwick, Former State Manager, AFL NSW/ACT


Officiency Sport

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